The Pendulum of Souls...
Crafted by a true practitioner of the Hoodoo. These pendulums are dedicated to the Lwa/Loa Baron Samedi and are said to be able to not only provide accurate divination into the questions asked, but summon the spirits of the dead as well.
Simply take a deep breath & hold the pendulum by the crystal end and you will begin to feel its power. These one of a kind of items will begin to shake mysteriously confirming the presence of the spirits and then begin to answer questions by tuning into the forces unseen.
The photos simply do not do these justice, you must hold one in your hands to appreciate it....
Includes PDF instructions on how to use it to conjure the spirits.
These are hand crafted items please allow 3-4 weeks for crafting and delivery.
Thank you
H.C. Magick
Store Owner
The Sanctorium is for anyone that feels drawn to the dark and mysterious. We teach the dark arts and seek to create a growing community of magical enthusiasts.